Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Strategy Report
What is the Pupil Premium Strategy Report?
Pupil Premium Strategy Report is a funding allocated to schools by the Department of Education to provide additional educational support according to the number of children eligible for Free School Meals during the last 6 years (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure).
Its purpose is to raise attainment, accelerate progress and fulfil the achievement potential of all our children. It is up to schools to decide how to spend the Pupil Premium Strategy Report funding because they are best placed to assess what additional educational provision should be put in place, to ensure maximum progress for all the children within their care.
All schools will be held accountable for how they have used the Pupil Premium Strategy Report and the impact it has had on the children’s learning.
Our approach to Pupil Premium Funding
At WFIS and Nursery we seek to ensure the effectiveness of our use of Pupil Premium funding. We recognise that barriers to achievement take a variety of forms and therefore attempt to be innovative in the support that we provide. We do this by offering our children a wide range of opportunities and ensuring that these are accessible for everyone. In addition, we offer Pupil Premium families a termly meeting (in addition to parents evening) to discuss their child’s progress and targets.
At WFIS and Nursery we have a designated Pupil Premium lead teacher, Mrs Annabel Male (Assistant Head), who is part of the senior leadership team of the school. A designated governor is allocated to ensure the Pupil Premium grant is being effectively spent.
What does this approach look like at WFIS and Nursery?
Enriching the curriculum
- Quality First Teaching strategies
- Deepened understanding of all pupils
- Access to 1 school trip/workshop paid per term (if needed)
- Access to 1 club per paid per term (if needed)
- Enhanced verbal feedback and written feedback by both the Class Teacher and Assistant Teacher each week
Targeted Support
- Tailoring each intervention to suit each child
- Small group support in lessons
- Early Bird support (Before school targeted small group)
- Weekly Pupil Premium focus teaching provided by Miss Lunn
- Speech and Language support (if needed)
Well-being support
- Emotional Literacy support assistant (ELSA)
- High quality wrap around care
- Offer of foodbank vouchers
- A learning coach that meets with the children regularly to review learning and build self esteem
Staff Training
- Regular training for staff e.g. Science, Phonics, vocabulary
- Training for teaching staff in further developing Quality First Teaching strategies in the classroom through team teaching, planning support etc.
Parental Engagement
- Additional termly meeting with Pupil Premium lead and class teacher.
- Parental Emotional Literacy support assistant (ELSA)
- Curriculum workshops