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Meet the Governors

Our Governors are representatives of the parents, school staff and the local community. They meet every half term as a whole Governing Board.

The Governors are responsible for the overall policies of the school, making key appointments, monitoring the running of the school and having overall control of the budget.

Governors have a duty to regularly review the way in which the school is organised, monitor its achievements and to contribute to the development of the school. Governors work in partnership with the Head Teacher in every aspect of the school’s life.

Please see details of our Members of the Governing Board below:


Alice Feldwick – Co-opted Governor & Co-Chair of Governors
Link Governor for Physical & Mental Wellbeing Faculty Group
Link Governor for Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)
Lead Equality & Diversity Governor
Health Schools Governor

I am very excited to begin my role as governor at Wallace Fields Infant School. I have always been passionate about children’s education, particularly in early years as I believe these are the most important years in helping children build a foundation for their future. I am looking forward to working with a fantastic governing board and to help support the staff and leadership team at the school. I have been working in Corporate Finance for over ten years and hope to bring my experience working in the private sector to use in this role. In my spare time I try to stay afloat on managing our busy household. I live in Epsom with my husband and two young children who both attend Wallace Fields Infant school. Coming from a large family, we enjoy spending our weekend with our extended family and friends. In my spare time I enjoy reading and exercising.


James Bradshaw - Parent Governor and Co-Chair of Governors
Link Governor for Performing & Creative Arts Faculty Group
Lead Health and Safety Governor

My name is James and I am one of the parent governors at Wallace Fields Infant School. I have a daughter in Butterfly class and a daughter in Little Stars. I live locally to the school and am really excited to be able to contribute to such a beacon of the local community. I am passionate about early years education, with a particular focus on the creative arts. I am a chartered surveyor and work in property development in the performing arts, theatre and entertainment industries. I am hoping to bring my experience in the private sector to good use in this role. In my spare time, I enjoy swimming with my children, theatre and cooking for the family.


Emma Bailey - Co-opted Governor and Vice Chair of Governors
Lead Special Educational Needs, Disabilities (SEND)
Lead Protection/Safeguarding Governor (Filtering and Monitoring KCSIE)
Lead Looked After Children (LAC)


Carolyn Devereaux - Parent Governor
Link Governor for English Faculty
Lead Pupil Premium Governor
Lead English as Additional Language (EAL) Governor

My name is Carolyn and I am one of the parent governors at Wallace Fields Infant School. I have a child in Badger class and a child who recently moved to the junior school but attended WFIS since Shining Stars. I volunteer as a parent reader each week as well as supporting children with their writing through the National Tutoring Programme. I am an experienced primary school teacher and have taught in a range of local Surrey schools as well as in the London Borough of Hillingdon. I have a passion for education and look forward to supporting the school in their exciting partnership with the South Farnham Educational Trust. I am committed to ensuring all children continue to flourish and foster a love of learning through high quality teaching within a supportive school community. In my spare time, I enjoy swimming, reading and the theatre. Most weekends I am kept busy by my children who love to stay active by exploring the great outdoors!


Gemma Casey - Co-Opted Governor
Link Governor for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Faculty Group

My name is Gemma, and I am one of the parent governors at Wallace Fields Infant School. My current role is Mixed-Use Estates Director at FTSE100 property company Landsec. I am responsible for the asset management of our mixed-use regeneration schemes which includes maintaining income and valuation of assets, preparing assets for development and creating a platform to manage successful mixed use properties in the future. I am part of the executive committee for Landsec U&I which is responsible for the business planning and execution for the business unit.

I have always had an interest in education and since having our three boys this has increased. I feel privileged to have had such a great opportunity within my career to develop myself and would like to help shape the future for others by using my training and experience to support the Wallace Fields Infant School Governing Board.


Steven Marshall - Co-Opted Governor
Link Governor for Humanities Faculty Group

My name is Steven, and I am one of the parent Governors at Wallace Fields Infant School. I'm passionate about my children's education and building an open and fun environment for them to start to learn and explore the world of learning. Knowing how many doors education can open, personally and professionally, I think the early years of formal education are of paramount importance to building engagement and an inquisitive mind.

I am an HR Director and have been lucky enough to try a variety of HR and Change Leadership roles across Financial Services for 15 years. Away from work, I have two children and, since their arrival, my entire outlook on life and work has changed. I am devoted to them. We spend as much time as possible together as a family, but when I do have any spare time I have a passion for gardening. I love cooking and walking / being in nature.


Sophie Amos - Staff Governor

My name is Sophie, more commonly known as Mrs Amos by the young learners at Wallace Fields. I became a staff governor here, shortly after i was recruited in 2023. I am an experienced teacher and subject leader that has taught in a range of schools in the London Borough of Lewisham before moving to a school closer to home after having my first son. I have a passion for teaching and learning, and am committed to ensuring children achieve their very best. In my spare time you will find my nose deep in a book and exploring the wonderful Surrey countryside on a long walk with my family.



Katie Muir - Headteacher







Anita Kelly - Deputy Headteacher








Sarah Constantino – Clerk to WFIS & Nursery Local Governing Board

I am Clerk to Wallace Fields Infant School & Nursery Local Governing Board and also the Extended Learning Administrative Assistant at WFIS & Nursery. I have 20 years' legal secretarial experience and hope to bring my experience of working in law firms in the private sector to use in this role. I enjoy going to the theatre and taking my children on outings to explore the national trust and royal palaces.





Dates of WFIS & Nursery Full Governing Board Meetings 2023/2024:

Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 4:30pm (Teaching & Learning)

Wednesday 20 November 2024 at 4:30pm (Full Local Governors)

Wednesday 22 January 2025 at 4:30pm (Teaching & Learning)

Wednesday 12 March 2025 at 4:30pm (Local Governors)

Wednesday 7 May 2025 at 4:30pm (Teaching & Learning)

Wednesday 18 June 2025 at 4:30pm (Full Local Governors)


Correspondence for the Chair of Governors should be addressed to:

Chair of Governors, Wallace Fields Infant School & Nursery, Wallace Fields, Epsom KT17 3AS

Via the Clerk to the Board