Charitable Trust & Fundraising
Wallace Fields Infant School & Nursery has a charitable trust status, and we hope the below gives you more information on the aims of the Trust and what it will mean for you, as parents, and your children.
A great strength of Wallace Fields Infant School is the tremendous partnership between parents and school and our intention is to give parents a wider choice of ways in which to support their child’s education.
We believe that the quality of the learning environment and support and care for the children at Wallace Fields Infant School exceeds the basic provision for infant aged children—for example;
- Specialist music teacher and trained adults for small group work
- Full time teaching assistants in each class to ensure that children can have individual and small group attention to their learning needs
- Air conditioning in every class
- State of art interactive whiteboards in each classroom
- A computer /ipad ratio of 1:5 children
- Activities and equipment in the playground
- Workshops, theatre and dance groups, storytellers etc.
The curriculum entitlement is broad and schools are provided, by the Government, with resources to ensure that every child’s basic educational needs are met. At Wallace Fields Infant School & Nursery, this provision has always been seen as the foundation on which to build a far richer school experience.
To help achieve our mission statement ‘High Achievement and Success with a Smile’, we rely on the good will of parents in terms of giving their time to come in and help in school and also in supporting their child’s learning at home. However, in order to continue to provide the high standard of education, additional funds need to be generated through fundraising within the school.
Company Matched Giving/Funding Schemes
We now have a number of parents who Match Fund for the school, thank you so much it really does make a difference.
Many companies offer their employees the chance to take part in a matched funding scheme, donate towards a school project or will give their chosen charity a donation. Toyota, Accenture, Argos, Barclays, Boots, Citigroup, Ford, Sainsbury, KPMG, Legal & General, RBS, Tesco, Thames Water and Unilever are just a few companies that offer Matched Funding.
Please do have a look to see if your company offer any kind of incentive/donation/fund and get in touch with Tara Cooke our School Business Lead.
Easy fundraising – Internet Cashback Site
We have raised over £1,286 so far with Easyfundraising and that's with 92 registered supporters. Thank you! Easy fundraising works in a similar way too many other loyalty shopping sites, but instead of earning points when you shop you raise a donation for us instead. It's as simple as that!
- It's 100% free to use
- You can raise money for your favourite cause every time you shop online
- Donations are available through over 3,700 online brands and retailers
- Download the helpful Donation Reminder and mobile app so that you never forget to collect a free donation
If you shop online, the PTA will get a percentage of everything you buy at no cost to you at all, as long as when you register, you choose to help the 'WFISPTA' to raise funds. There are thousands of retailers who take part including Amazon, Next, Expedia, John Lewis, Tesco Mobile, O2, Confused, PV Holidays, Hoseasons, Crystal Ski Holidays and Apple. The donation money is then paid directly into their bank.
Please register and help us raise more money by just doing your usual shopping.
Amazon Smile - Internet Cashback
You shop. Amazon gives to WFIS & Nursery. Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to Wallace Fields Infant PTA when you shop at
Same products, prices and service. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know with the added benefit of supporting charitable organisations.
You can make a difference while you shop at Amazon. Simply shop at , chose Wallace Fields Infants PTA as your charity and Amazon donates directly to us!
The Giving Machine
You can now find Wallace Fields Infant School on TheGivingMachine, a great fundraising site that lets you raise donations for Wallace Fields Infant School whenever you shop online. It’s easy to use and doesn’t cost you (or us) a penny!
The Giving Machine is a fundraising charity setup to help other charitable causes raise money online. By signing up and shopping online via The Giving Machine you will generate a free cash donation for us. With over 2,200 of your favourite retailers, including Amazon, Ebay, M&S, NEXT, Sainsbury, John Lewis & Partners and Waitrose & Partners, you are bound to find what you need and generate a donation.
To start raising free donations go to and join – it’s that easy. You can also download the free desktop reminder app to help you remember to always shop online via TheGivingMachine
We have raised over £116 so far with The Giving Machine with 86 donations so far. Thank you!