About Us
'High Achievement and success with a smile!' is our vision statement and through our outstanding curriculum and nurturing environment children flourish at Wallace Fields Infant School both academically, socially and emotionally.
We are a forward thinking school using current research of teaching practises to ensure children reach their full potential.
Wallace Fields Infant School is a popular two-form entry school based in Ewell, Epsom. In September 2021 it became part of the South Farnham Education Trust.
We are an inclusive and ‘outstanding’ school and take children from 4 to 7 (Reception to Year Two). Many of our children start with us at Shinning Stars Nursery from the age of 2 in our onsite nursery led by the school. The vast majority of children move on at year two, to Wallace Fields Junior School. We have strong links with Wallace Fields Juniour School to ensure the children have a smooth transition to the next stage of their education.
The school site comprises a library bus, a music room, British values garden (home to our school chickens and additional teaching space). There is a large assembly hall, allotment area, field and playground with play equipment. The Early Years has a designated building and outdoor learning space.
We strongly value the wider curriculum and seek opportunities to enrich children’s experience at school through a broad and balanced curriculum. We have a specialist music teacher, forest school teacher and PE specialist.
I am very proud to be the Headteacher at Wallace Fields Infant School and warmly encourage you to come and see our wonderful school in action!
Katie Muir