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Wallace Fields Infant School & Nursery is an OUTSTANDING school as judged by Ofsted in their recent Ofsted Inspection ( December 2021)

Please see our latest OFSTED report dated December 2021 for an insight as to what makes us an outstanding school.

We are incredibly proud of this judgement not least because under the latest inspection framework, it is particularly difficult for schools to be rated as outstanding. The OFSTED School Inspection Framework (September 2021) states: ‘Outstanding is a challenging and exacting judgement. Schools should only be judged outstanding in a particular area if they are performing exceptionally, and this exceptional performance in that area is consistent and secure across the whole school’.

Inspectors were extremely impressed by what they saw, including the children’s behaviour and attitudes to their learning. We are delighted to share some of the key headlines from the report:

  • Ambition and determination for everyone to succeed leads to pupils getting off to a flying start.
  • Every second of the school day counts and pupils relish the many opportunities they have to become more knowledgeable.
  • A highly ambitious curriculum means that pupils’ knowledge and skills develop over time. Pupils are happy and willingly immerse themselves in what they learn.
  • Leaders and staff have high expectations of pupils. This includes those with SEND. Staff know how to support these pupils because of how well their individual needs are identified.
  • The school’s phonics programme leads to a highly consistent approach to the teaching of reading from the early years to Year 2. This leads to pupils becoming confident, fluent readers quickly.
  • In the early years, highly skilled staff help children to express themselves by developing their vocabulary.
  • Staff and pupils describe the school as a family. Every pupil is treated as an individual.
  • One of the school’s values is ‘respect’. Pupils demonstrate this in abundance.
  • Pupils behave exceptionally well because they know what is expected of them in lessons and at playtimes.
  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders and staff take their responsibilities to safeguard pupils very seriously.
  • Staff feel very well supported by leaders who think carefully about staff workload and well-being.
  • A deep commitment to constantly strive for more is shared by leaders, trust staff and governors.


Key phrases from our Ofsted inspection: